
Not quite, but almost.

OK, so perhaps I'm exaggerating with the photo at right, but it sure feels like this in the prayer rom this morning. Normally they get the temp nailed - it's rarely an issue. This morning is an exception.

I'm thinking of hunting for an .avi file of a fire r something.

In the Stuff to Consider File: Stuart Taylor had a good question this morning regarding Noah's Ark and it's possible location in Turkey:

Given the role of rebuilding life in the wake of a collosal flood, why would Noah and his family leave all of that precut, treated wood sitting there? Wouldn't they disassemble the boat to build houses?!?? or at least pre-Katrina Cottages? Because man, the Home Depot's not going to be open for a while and even when it does open, the price of plywood's gonna skyrocket.


P said...

Is it really that snowy and cold there?

How come I dont get to have that when I visit? DANG

Brent Steeno said...

Talk to Benji Nolot about this one Randy. Benji was going to try and find the Ark a couple of years back. Yes, you heard me right, he was going to go to Turkey and find that big ol' ark. So I know he believes it is still there. So do I by the way.

Chuck Scott said...

I took it to frame a room addition. Talk about your old growth hardwoods. I burned up 3 saw blades, and lost an extension cord on the side of the mountain trying to get the wood. The S10 weathered the hill country pretty well, and my Carharts are worth the initial investment. All in all, I have one happy customer and one angry country. Can't please em all...

Brian Creary said...

-40? That's not cold! C'mon up and we'll let you experience real cold, Canadian style. Icy. Very icy.

Randy Bohlender said...

Brent. If you can't find the coffee shop at 8 AM, you're never gonna find the ark. D'oh! :)

Alaska1 said...

For the folks in Canada, notice the 'F' at the bottom of the thermometer. Funny thing about the -40 is that -40F and -40C are the same temp, and this recently departed Fairbanksan says that it IS COLD!

That is why I am siting in Edmonton right now, taking in the West Edmonton Mall and working my way to the aforementioned prayer room.

PS. Randy-Alaskan brew is enroute. See you soon.

Infinite EMF said...

There is more recent stuff on Noah's Potential Ark at SPACE.com:


The articel includes some fairly high res satellite footage.