
Sundry Thinkage

  • We're near Laurel, Mississippi, speaking at a teen camp. I'm parked along the wall of the chapel with Zoe trying her best (and failing) to crawl beside me. Give her an E for Effort.
  • This camp is a boy's paradise. My guys have climbed on, ridden, played with and laughed at more than you can imagine, and we just got here.
  • Hogan, the nine year old son of the camp director, got a mountain board with a gasoline engine for his birthday and was very intent that I try and ride it today. Did hey say try? Step back, son. It's got an engine. I was made for this.
  • I like it when the word camp includes a comfy air conditioned cabin and clean shower.
  • This camp staff rocks - even if their 'yes sirs' accentuate the fact that it's been a few decades since this camper was one of the bunch. Major servant hearts here - these kids work their tails off. They're the last one's to go to bed and are in the prayer room before breakfast.

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