If you haven't seen it by now, you MUST go visit the new IHOP web stream. We're partnering with God.tv with a phenomenal new video player.
I can't say enough good about it - we're archiving 2 hour sets so if your favorite worship leader plays in the middle of the night, you can catch it over coffee in the morning!
They're offering a free 3 day trial right now - check it out now! Then think about what 24/7 prayer and worship in your home or business. The $10/mo. is peanuts, gang.
Note: If you have problems with the new player, try another browser. I got it to work on Firefox on one Mac and Safari on the other. It's worth the hassle!
Once you see it - let me know what you think! And have mercy - these young adults just became a part of the cast of the most unusual (and potentially impactful) 24/7 reality show in the world!
This is awesome indeed!
Does anyone know if they will leave the old player as an option? The new player rocks, but whilst at work, I cant stream at 2mb's, or I'll take all of our bandwidth and it will be a bit too noticeable if I take up our whole T1.
I'm trying to be a prayer-room-ninja, and streaming at 2mb's will surely blow my cover ;)
I am So excited! On Tuesdays I have to leave for work 15 minutes into the 10AM set and am so bummed. Now I can watch it later. I have already seen one of my daughters today praying during a rapid fire. (we live far away) God is good to me!
I am going to email the tech people right now and thank them.
wow! the clarity is amazing. We saw you this mornin' Kelsey :+)
Mr. Bohlender,
It is pretty awesome! Now with IMA 24/7 on cameras the webcast is rockin'!
Now, I can see what the NightWatch has been up to all this time. Being able to see/hear the sets I've previously been sleeping through is great. I'm really enjoying that feature a lot. The clarity, of course, is awesome. I'm staying up way too late because I hate to turn it off!
*sigh* I wanted to check this out but it refuses to work in linux. So disappointing. :(
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