
A day at the farm

It's 95 degrees today and so the Bohlenders decided that, after morning chores...once the sun got really good and hot...we'd go to the Deanna Rose Farm. The farmstead is a huge thing for kids in nearby Overland Park. Not many years ago, Overland Park was all farms. Now they have subdivided it, built huge homes, issued pool keys, jacked the taxes and, to keep the kids off the mean streets of the OP, they've built them...uh, a farm.

Despite the heat, we had a great time, as the photos will attest.

Grayson, realizing that sometime's it's best to abandon the pedals and just push for all you're worth.

Zion, who is obviously telling us exactly what he thinks.

My three sons.

Chickens, like MacBooks, now come in black and white.

Kelsey used to tell ZB that he was her little butterfly. Apparently she was right.

1 comment:

Marci Lewellen said...

you could have just come to my house...