
edits finished...

At 4:35 PM today, I called Kelsey so she could be on the line when I hit the SEND button on the powerbook. With that, the manuscripts for the Omega Leaders Tool Kit and Student Guides were sent to the printer. I was happy. She was happy. I think the printer was happy. It was hard to tell.

These manuscripts sort of grew on us. The original thought was 150 pages or so for the Leader version and 100 for the Student version. By the time I finished the editing on the notes and swollen appendix, it was at nearly 280 and 250 pages respectfully. Granted, most of the material is not ours. Kelsey and I helped assemble it from Mike Bickle's stash of outlines, then he put it together and taught it in eight sessions. We wrote the discussion guides and formatted the course itself.

The eight DVD's are amazing. Mike gives his most succinct, compelling look at what we can expect and how to prepare for the end times. (The night we finished filming he told me "I would have never dreamed of doing this in eight sessions...I would have done thirty!" He was not kidding...). Also included are 8 audio CD's - a Going Deeper series we assembled from past IHOP messages that took the subject beyond what is presented in the DVD's.

All that's to do now is assemble the 3 ring binders when the print gets back...and wait on the DVD and CD production. I have dumped a ton of work on our production team and am having to avoid making eye contact when I see them in the hallway lest they point a boney finger at me and shriek "You! You are the bald little weasel who dreamed up this project and just had to have it for the conference! Booooo! Boooooo!."



Anonymous said...

Awesome, Randy! Can't wait!

P said...

Awesome. Even I want to watch it, and you know how much and how often I even think about eschatology.

I am thinking it will make good date noght material with Danielle?

Randy Bohlender said...

Oh yea.

Chicks Dig End Times.

P said...

LOL, I already did Pride and Predjudice (and I LIKED it), so listening to this ought to be a breeze.

Seriously though, it probably wouldnt hurt to convert this flow tribber to somthing more concrete, Im just unwilling to commit! LOL.

Good work Randy. Even without seeing it, I loved the idea, and I think it really is something needed. There is way too much dogma on this topic, so a good overview study seems to be in order.