
Randy's News of Interest.

CNN - Russians trapped on sea bed in sub : "A camera sent down in the water shows that during a dive, the vessel's propeller became stuck in a fishing net...."

All that money towards Star Wars and the Russian Fleet could have been subdued with well placed fishing nets. Hope they get these guys out....

WASHINGTON POST - The Politics and Strategy of the Appointment Battle

This is a great spot to watch the battle blow by blow...updated multiple times each day.

USATODAY - Martha still tethered: "Martha Stewart will have to wear her ankle bracelet for nearly another month. Stewart's attorney, Walter Dellinger, announced Wednesday that she has 'agreed to an extension of the terms of her home confinement until Aug. 31.'

Agreed to an extension?!? This makes it sound like they consulted her during the decision. Stay in the house, Martha. You know the rules.

LA TIMES - Microsoft Finds a High-Level Exec at Wal-Mart : " SAN FRANCISCO The world's biggest software company went shopping at the world's biggest retailer for a new chief operating officer."

Rumour is that customers logging on to the new Windows Vista will be greated by a semi-retired person in a blue vest handing out smiley face stickers.

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