
hello again, friends....

my blogging record has been absymal in recent weeks. Fortunately, the subscription price for reading this is zilch, so please file your complaints accordingly. :)

Last Thursday I flew to Cincinnati for the evangelism conference at the Vineyard. I did the evening sessions Thurs/Fri night. A highlight for me was Robert Pittman's friday session. I shall never look at pancakes with real butter quite the same. It was simply phenomenal.

Saturday morning I flew to Baltimore where I was picked up by Kelsey and the boys in the SS Family Truckster and whisked to East Tennessee, where we spent a few days with the Hosanna crew and Lou and Terese Engle, wandering the streets of Jonesboro and wondering "Perhaps God....". More on that at some point....like when I know more myself.

We drove home today in record time only to pull into town at 5:10 PM and lose an HOUR getting from 20th St NW to 2nd St SE. #@$% tour busses. It was good to reunite with our interns who were holding the fort fabulously in our absense.

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