

Touchdown took place right on schedule last night at 9:40 PM. I wandered out to the car corral and saddled up my ride and it was 11 pm 'till I got home. Jackson & Kels woke up to talk a little bit but we were all so tired that I think I was zoned by 11:30 pm. Good thing, too, because my mom needed to be at the airport at 6 AM, so it was a short night...

I really dug Washington. Compared with Capitol Hill, I doubt there is a place in the US with that much history crammed in to that small a space...and it's living history. It's made every day by the people who meet in Starbucks. I am not awestruck by power - I'm jazzed by seeing the place where democracy works. It's imperfect, but it's easily arguable that it works better here than any place on earth.

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