
Well, it was quite a day.

After spending some time in the prayer room, I hauled the boys to the library for another one of those just-moved-to-town rituals: Getting a library card. Getting out of the library with Jackson and Grayson almost dictates a one ton truck (or as we said on the farm, a ton-dually!), because they love books. They came by it honestly. I hauled my share out as well...a book on the world history of Christianity, one on the Celts, one called "The Bell Curve - Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life" and another on the lives of Jesse & Frank James. Any man without an appetite for a western needs to be treated with the utmost suspicion. I also brought home a book called Woman Saints for the woman saint in my life.

I got home and got back to work on the move-in projects, namely, assembly the boys' desks for home school. These desks are the Walmart variety that they manage to coax a veneer finish from even though there are likely no wood products in them - maybe 90/10 glue/wood. While assembling, I listened to the pregame show for the KC Royals. It made me miss Marty and Joe from the Reds, even though I rarely listened to them.

Midway through the desk assembly line, The Cable Guy arrived to connect the high speed internet goodies. The Cable Guy immediately informed me that "The lines are all screwed up." Apparantly that's the technical term - all screwed up. He assured me that he fixed it...but when I went out after he left, I found he had run a line across my yard, just laying on the grass, from the curb to the corner of the house. Hmmm.

Having recently added two iBooks w/Airport cards to the family, I was determined to cable only one desktop in the house. I bought a D-Link wireless router and usb adapter for the desktops. I ran the Roadrunner to my mom's pc and turned it on, only to have the whole think spanked by this nasty attack on Microsoft that is flying around the globe. My prediction - if you're not behind a firewall, this thing will eat your lunch. Tech support told me to download the patch from MS, but the worm kept kicking me off the grid before it finished. Finally I lucked out and got it fixed. Good to keep mom happy and online.

Next were the iBooks - it took ten minutes on mine, and far less on Kelsey (learning curve, dontcha know), then forty five or so on the last remaining desktop pc, even though I had the drivers for the usb gizmo on cd. No mac sermons here, just the facts, ma'am.

And that's my day. So far.

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