
Well, here's the electronic version in case you missed the carrier pigeon...

I announced to the VCC staff today that I will be leaving my post as director of small things at the end of June or first part of July. This is the pinnacle of mixed emotions for me - my time here has been an accelerated course in leadership and fun. I hope I've brought a fraction of what I'm taking with me (no, I'm not threatening to lift my laptop and funky titanium visor case...that goes back to the Company Store.)

In recent days, it’s become apparent that the next step for the development of the Cincinnati House of Prayer, and our personal development as well, would be for our family to relocate to Kansas City. Our goals will include serving as intercessory missionaries in the International House of Prayer, deepening our understanding our understanding of what God is doing in these times and strengthening relationships with the Friends of the Bridegroom missions base.

It will mean a whole new way of life for us...leaving a comfortable role in a city we love for a missions mindset (raising our own funds) where we know very few, yet believing that God's hand on this means all the world to me. Feel free to email me with questions or a large Paypal donation. :) Onward...

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