
A Day With The Little Ones

EDIT: Thank you to those who have emailed me compliments on Zoe's hair and warnings about them being so close if Zion has pink eye...but the photo is six months old. HA!

It's been fun being with the younger two kids today. Neither have felt great - Zoe took three naps before 3pm and Zion's had a touch of pink eye - but both were a joy to be around.

Zion was pretty stir crazy by this evening He'd sat on the porch and binge-listened to Adventures in Odyssey for a huge chunk of the afternoon, but even Mr Whittaker isn't much fun without your brothers around, so he and I took off for an early evening getaway.

Our first stop was his Disneyland, aka Guitar Center, where he made his normal rounds:

1) Drum Department.
Immediately, he threw down some sugar beats on an electronic set he'd been wanting to play. (This one was connected to a sound system with subwoofers instead of the sissy headphones so we could feel his thunder....).

2) Acoustic Guitars.
He walks from one to the next, staring....reaching out and touching some of them. He has an affinity for Taylors but was quite taken with a Gibson tonight and went wide eyed while we fiddled with an acoustic bass. Two words in this boy's future - Alt-Country.

3) Guitar Gear.
Straps - can you ever have enough guitar straps? And picks? And look at these pedals! And this stand!

For some reason, he skipped the keyboards tonight. Last week he had this real Thomas Dolby groove going back there. I think he was just too hungry....so off we went.

Our next stop was for me - Freedom Cycles. We did a quick walk through before crossing 71. Zion chose our place of dining, so 'welcome to CiCi's.'

It was so fun just being with Zion...he can be so quiet that it takes some getting used to, but then you realize he likes being quiet with someone, and when he does talk, it's usually profound or hilarious. Often both.

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