
Because you're just surfing anyway...

Be honest. You're just surfing the net. I say you should do something useful...and of course, I have a suggestion.

Tonight, Kelsey spoke at The River, a college ministry here in Sioux Falls. She absolutely rocked he place with her introduction to Song of Solomon. (Yes, Song of Solomon).

So quite wasting bandwidth, download the mp3, learn a little about Song of Solomon, and figure out why I'm so sure I married up.


Tracie said...

The Flip Flop Queen Rocks!

Elia and I listened in over our morning bottle, not mine mind you, hers!
She had a little bit of a hard time focusing on the bottle though because she kept craning her head backward looking for "Auntie Kelsey". She could hear her, but she really wanted to see her!

Anonymous said...

I check this blog pretty regularly, but have never tried to look at it from my phone until last night. When I did it came flagged as 'objectionable content'. I'm not even really sure what that means or to what it would apply but I thought it was funny.