
it's becoming an issue

Jackson made these KILLER cookies yesterday...so I'm having a cookie with my coffee...but then I run out of cookie before I run out of coffee, so I grab another....and then I've got cookie left and no coffee, so I pour another cup. I'm stuck in a caloric vortex.

This explains why my favorite, lime colored Burning Man shirt makes me look like...uh, lime.


Jackson said...

so that's where all the cookies got to...

Randy Bohlender said...

Go to your room and don't come out 'till the yard needs mowed, boy.

P said...

I just realized that a caloric vortex is the most appropriate phrase I have ever heard that describes my life.

that is my new "life phrase".

Randy Bohlender said...


That's great - I'm working on a new book entitled "Your Best Caloric Vortex Now!". Watch for it, along with the CD version, workbook, follow up manual and t-shirt in finer Christian bookstores everywhere.

I'll see YOU at the top! :)