
i am unsure how this works....

OK, without getting into the details, yesterday had it's funky moments. While none of the three situations are life-wrecking for anyone, all three are involving some straight truth talk, and two are on-going discussions that will not be solved in one or two discussions.

The third of the trio sort of ambushed me electronically late in the evening. My attempts to defuse it resulted in a bigger explosion, providing me with a caveat example to the "soft answer turneth away wrath" principle.

All this to say I went to bed in a bit of a funky mood. Not discouraged....just that feeling you get moments after you realize you've hit a nail with your tire. In the desert. Without a spare. You know it's not going to kill you, but it sure is going to eat up a good chunk of time to fix it.

Here's the wild part...when I woke up this morning, I was carrying the exact same feeling. I don't mean "I woke up, thought about it, got bummed...". I mean between the time I opened my eyes and my feet hit the floor I was under this cloud.

A shower, a killer pot of Bolivian Chuck Roast and twenty minutes of rational thought dispelled the entire thing, so it's not like it's going to wreck another day....but think about it for a minute. That stinking thing, whatever it is, was on me all night.

I have a tendency to think of sleep like death, only shorter. You close your eyes. Your brain shuts off. The world stops spinning, for all intents and purposes. The idea that a feeling...an emotion...could stay with you through the night hours is huge.

I can guarantee you that this will change the way I spend my evening hours. If I am going to own a thought or an emotion for five or six hours, I want to choose that very carefully.


Alaska1 said...

Very transparent post Randy. I thank God that my wife and I for the past 13 yrs have vowed to not let the sun go down on our wrath. We ave had to agree to disagree until morning a few times, but at leat then we can sleep with peace. That doens mean a bad mood or some other crud fromthe day cant linger, but it is at least a step in the right direction.

Also, this past April, 7 Thunders were in Fairbanks. At that time I purchased teh CD set from Kirk Bennett about dream interpretation. He mentions laying your head on the pilow and asking God to allow your body to be sleep while your spirit stays awake so you can talk with God. Many times we have seen this time "like death only shorter" to be a wonderful time of enlightenment and refreshing. So there ya go, food for thought

Randy Bohlender said...

To clarify, it wasn't my wrath (or Kels'!) that the sun went down on! I was sorta caught in the afterblow....

P said...

Hence the reason I have the streaming IHOP on at night most of the time.

Hoever, I had a dream once (seriously) where I was in theis big churchy type place. Some lady walked in with a few othoer people in a group. Very shortly people started inviting her up to the stage,a nd then they began to bow in front of her.

I figure someone was praying out of Revelations or something while I was sleeping!!! LOL.

Liz said...

I've experienced the same phenomena. Praying before sleeping has helped me.

At first, when you said "Bolivian Chuck Roast" I thought you were talking about eating a juicy beef breakfast. But alas, you were once again speaking of the strange brew you roast and drink (yeah, I drink it too, it's just probably not as good - especially since the coffee grinder is broken and I have to drink pre-ground coffee - ew).

P said...

Hammers and Tongs help roasted coffee get that hand crushed aroma that nothign else can match It is a part of the emerging primal arabica movement). Not that I would know anything about hammers and tongs but....