

Second batch is the charm, baby! And I can now type 132 words per minute!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I so love a good cup of coffee... so just an air popcorn popper eh?

I'm thinking a trip to the thrift store is in my not so distant future and of course a trip through google lane.

And those beans look great btw.

Randy Bohlender said...

It is bonehead easy. I am living proof.

P said...

Im so concerned I dont know what to say....

I can give you mt cardiologists # if you need it.

I bet you could do something similar in a cast iron pan. I think the problem is keeping the beans moving constantly to get them roasting but not burning right?

Hmmmm... There could be a market here for a small personal roaster. For those people that just have to have it perfect....

I think Jackson could write the marketing material, you could take the pictures and do the testing, and I will just look official, nod amirdingly, and tell everyone what a great job they are doing. Sounds like a normal startup in a garage.

Randy Bohlender said...

One word: Microroastery

Farmer Family said...

So how's the caff-angover this morning?

P said...


Its a movement. Its a back tot he cup movement of like minded roasters that seek to educate, impact, and facilitate the type of health and personal benefits of using alternative vehicles and alternate location to create a new wave of caffeine induction.

Forget home churches, we have home ROASTERS. You can create a sense of ritual yourself, you dont need a (ahem) franchise to do it.

Dont just stop at home SCHOOLING when you can conduct your own personal educational process studying Maillards Reaction (http://www.landfood.ubc.ca/courses/fnh/410/colour/3_82.htm) in something so simple as the need to appease withdrawl symptoms from C8H10N4O2, THATS CHEMISTRY BABY!

P said...

BTW... HP, APPLE, MSFT they all started in a agarage with a vision