
Coincidence? Or Mystery of the Universe.

Be it known that apparently, little Davey Crowder and I both use the Nokia 6600 .

OK, wouldn't it be weird if I used David Crowder's phone, and maybe David Crowder had the same shoes Rick Warren, and perhaps Rick Warren uses the same PDA as Moby, and, well...Moby and I have the same hairdresser? It's like that game all over again...Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon , 'cept with uh, me. And Crowder.

OK, you play. You have six moves to link me to anyone on the planet. Go.


Chuck Scott said...

it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world.....:)

Randy Bohlender said...

However melodious, your comment failed to establish any sort of link, and you are disqualified. Next?

Chuck Scott said...

i'm sorry. i saw kevin bacon and thought of singing,bacon made me think of oscar mayer, which made me think of sulfites, making me think of contaminated soil, and then my thoughts turned to the desert and burning man..

ok, i am reaching here. sorry

The Man said...

You're bald, George Costanza is balding, George got soup from the Soup Nazi. There- two steps.

Here's a better one. You and Dwayne Roberts are twin sons of different mothers. Is that even one step?

Randy Bohlender said...

Chuck, that's better. Mike, well done. Someone explain the game to Sean.

The Man said...

Now, now, you said link you to anyone on the planet. You didn't limit it to Kevin Bacon. But if you must...
You're bald, George Costanza is balding, George got soup from the Soup Nazi. The Soup Nazi was in Austin Powers with Tom Arnold, Tom Arnold was in We Married Margo with Kevin Bacon.

There, I feel better now :)