

We spent entirely too long looking for my new suit this morning...it had gotten lost in the move from Valley Forge to Green Acres. I call it 'new' because I bought it for the Presidential Prayer Breakfast back in January...and it will likely be my 'new' suit for many years. My previous 'new' suit was purchased...uh, ten years ago. It looks suspicously like my new new suit, except for the stripes and double breasted jacket.

I'm speaking in Mississippi this Sunday...to a tribe of suit wearers. I used to be of the suit wearing tribe but long ago converted to the Flip Flop tribe when they offered to let me drink coffee while I preached. Anyway, I was smart enough to ask this Sunday's tribe what was appropriate, and they were kind enough to tell me that this is not a Flip Flop pow-wow. I took that as a sign to dig out my new suit. Suit wearing tribes are not much different than the People of the Flip Flop, although to arrive dressed for a Flip Flop meeting when it's really a suit meeting is not a mistake I'm dying to make.

The Flip Flop tribe is just as quick to make assumptions about a suit wearer, so it's not like you really want to err on the side of higher fashion. It's best to ask.

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