Also releasing a new single was Zion Bohlender - click here for his latest - Enemy Go Away.
Link fix: Try this.
lyrics - Zion Bohlender
vocals - Zion Bohlender
acoustic guitar - Zion Bohlender
drums and electric guitar - garageband
production engineer - dad
lyrics - Zion Bohlender
vocals - Zion Bohlender
acoustic guitar - Zion Bohlender
drums and electric guitar - garageband
production engineer - dad
Behind the Music info: Z plays his guitar about an hour a day - longer if we go to IHOP. He plays pretty much only his own music (the only exception being whatever he's heard Todd Ganovski play last). He was playing goofing around one Sunday afternoon and I told him "Z, let's record a song!" He immediatly strapped on his guitar and tore into this song, totally unrehearsed.

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