
Work is getting done....

After a late night writing session and hitting it pretty hard again this morning, I have turned a psychological corner...two, actually. First, I hit the 10,000 word mark. There's something about being into five digits that makes this doable. Anyone who can generate 10,000 can do 50,000. It's now possible in my mind. Second, I seem to have more direction on where I'm going than I even did last night. I had some specific interview comments that I wanted to get on paper (or on screen, in this case) and I was afraid they would end up writing the book rather than framing some thoughts that I would launch from. The foundation is now written and I'm ready to go....

The steady stream of people through the House of Prayer is amazing...every weekend the parking lot fills as people drive in from who knows where. Some come to rest, others bring sick family members seeking prayer. All come hungry, to some degree. This is not a bad place to be hungry.

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