
I enjoyed coffee this morning while chatting with Rebecca Pippert, author of Out of the Saltshaker. She is very witty and passionate about followers of Jesus relating their stories to the world in a way that makes sense. Currently she leads a network of small group studies in the Chicago area. Attendees range from long time followers of Christ to people are quite open with their objections to the story Christ. She'll be teaching all week at the Vineyard. Catch the video in a few days at www.vccproductions.

This afternoon Kelsey and I went to Batesville, Indiana to share our vision for the House of Prayer with a group of leaders at the Batesville Vineayard. Of all the things I've done during my tenure at VCC, I think one of the top two or three things I'm pleased with is matching up the Batesville Vineyard with their pastor, Charlie Matthews and his wife, Angie.

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