
It's great to be home...messed with the kids all day, after the great morning shovel-out. It was quite the rude awakening after sipping a latte on the veranda in Phoenix on Friday.

I met with my beloved intern crew Saturday morning. I love these guys and their families...has been too long since we'd all been together. One couple is getting ready to take the helm of the Batesville plant...good for them AND Batesville.

Tomorrow starts catch-up week. My calendar is grey with appointments. It usually takes me a week and a half to dig out after something like this. While I was gone, we started our first Alpha session of 2002. I teach about seven of the ten sessions....VCC staffer Andy Ransdell filled in for me. I heard great stuff - I'm not surprised. Next Wednesday fellow staffer Allan Fuller steps in, then I will carry the load for a while. I really like teaching Alpha - it's nice to get several back-to-back weeks teaching the same folks, the material is fun, and I really get to see people grow. One of the favorite parts of my job.

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